Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Day of All Days

What a blessing to be in worship Easter morning at Crossroads: Bridgeville! The Spirit of God was definitely at work this morning. Personally I wasn't sure how I would feel come Sunday morning. It has been a very tough week, and I didn't feel like I would want to celebrate. But in the morning I was reminded that the day wasn't about me, but that this day gives me hope to make it through any day, no matter how tough.

I thought about those days I was recovering in the hospital last year after my near brush with death. Times like that really bring life into focus. I realized that there is nothing I would rather do than whatever God has for me. It's easy to waste our lives away: entertainment is so pervasive, there are so many temporary pleasures to chase, and it's flat-out easier not to do anything too hard. But it's the hard things God calls us to that are going to make a difference into eternity.

It was anything but easy to suffer death on the cross. But Jesus did it, knowing the whole time that if at any moment he decided he had had enough, he could call it quits. But he didn't.

Jesus' choice to go through with it wasn't just a one-and-done decision. Even after making it, he still had the opportunity to back down. I don't know about you, but I find it a lot easier to make a one-time decision than one I constantly have the opportunity to reneg on, especially if it involves suffering. But knowing that Jesus continued to choose to suffer for us makes it a little easier to suffer through the tough weeks.

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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