Friday, May 02, 2008

Last Service at Star City

We had the last Crossroads: Bridgeville service at the Star City Theater this past Sunday, and I have to say, I am really proud to be a part of this church. During the last 2 months we have been looking for a new, more permanent location in which to worship. But during that time the attitude in our congregation has been great; I have not heard people grumbling or worrying. There has not been a sense of panic. There has been a strong sense that, no matter where we are meeting, we will continue to be the church. We are living into an understanding that the church is not a building. There are some who are new to our community who have said they knew this was the church for them because we were not so wrapped up in a building that we were afraid to be the church.

That said, it is usually hard to leave a place that has been a part of our worshiping life. My 4 year old son Samuel has told me he is going to miss having church at the Star City; "I like it there!" But he went with me this week to work on some of the paperwork with our temporary location, the South Fayette Fire Hall. He really liked the fact that it is a part of the fire station. And he was surprised to see the fire engines were yellow with bees on them, rather than red. I think he's adjusting to the idea of the change though. Yesterday he asked me if I wanted to build something with him. When I said yes, he asked what I wanted to build. I suggested a garage (one of his favorite things to build). Then when I said, "Or how about a fire station?", his face lit up! "Let's build a fire hall!" Here's what we built (notice the yellow fire engines in the station, and Joey on the move in the background). Yeah, I think he's going to be fine with the transition.

In the meantime, we are still praying for the right longer-term location to come through for us. We are in negotiations with a possibility right now, and we are waiting to hear back from them. Please keep praying for that.

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